Why you should only use a Qualified Accredited Electrician in your home
Why you should only use a Qualified Accredited Electrician in your home
Let’s immediately get the unpleasant facts out of the way…
Electricity is potentially dangerous, which is why you should only use a qualified accredited electrician in your home or business. Do you want the risk of either electric shock, or fire caused by electrical faults?
Choosing a certified, insured and licensed electrician for your electrical work is essential to ensuring the successful resolution of your electrical issues, and the safety of your home or business. Thomas Electrical only employs highly experienced electrical operators (Elconops) working under an official licensed and certified lead electrician. Thomas electrical is insured and accredited making the choice rather easy for the home and business owner.
How do you tell if an electrician is licensed and certified?
Reputable electrical contractors will fulfill the minimum training and experience required for licensing. These electricians will undertake ongoing training to further refine and hone their extra skills. So, verify the license and certificates of your contractor.
Thomas Electrical are registered with the ECB (Electrical Contractors Board), which is compulsory if you are involved in the building industry. They are also a member of the ECA (Electrical Contractors Association) who keep contractors up to date and offer a workmanship guarantee. Added to the above, Thomas Electrical is a member of the Bargaining Council who look after all the employee’s compensation, remuneration and provident funds.
Liability Insurance
Thomas Electrical understands that in the building contractor’s industry, the contractor is bound to be confronted with claims due to damages during the construction or installation phase. As part of the reason why you should only use a qualified accredited electrician in your home or business is that a good reliable contractor will have liability insurance. Thomas Electrical has liability insurance which protects your home or business against injury and/or property damage.
Valid Electrical Certificates of Compliance
Without a valid COC, should an injury or incident occur, the homeowner could be held liable and the insurance on the house could be declared invalid. A valid electrical certificate is a legal requirement. The owner of an “electrical installation” should always be in possession of a valid electrical certificate. Can your electrician supply you with a valid certificate of compliance? This is why you should only use a qualified accredited electrician in your home.
Shaun Thomas of Thomas Electrical, carries an Installation Electrician 3 phase Wireman’s License. This license is a requirement for the signing off on any electrical work, if it is to be compliant for insurance purposes and peace of mind.
Only a Qualified Electrician with a Wireman’s License, accredited by the Department of Labour and who is registered with the Electrical Contracting Board of South Africa (E.C.B) can issue an electrical COC.
Visit our website to find out more about Thomas Electrical & Thomas Compliant’s reliable service and long-standing history providing electrical services and maintenance in Hout Bay, Llandudno, Camps Bay, Clifton, CBD, Constantia and surrounds in Cape Town.
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